Saturday, September 1, 2018


Now News Network | 01 Sept 2018 | 11:45 IST

State Government has decided to mix the schools under One Headmaster which schools are in between 100 km of distance.  To solve the teacher’s issue, government has asked letter from every district for this Mixing Procedure to better learning system. As per the district report the Mixing Procedure will take on decision. 256 Schools from Cuttack district will be mix. After mixing there will 119 schools out of 256. It means 137 schools were losing their identity.

As report, there is 2475 number of schools in Cuttack District. In between 256 school’s report has asked by Ganasikhya Department. 58 number school is now has locked due to below 10 number of students. Another side 56 schools here in Cuttack Municipal. These are converted to 26 schools. The students of 56 numbers of schools now study in 26 numbers of schools. A report has been send to State Government and this will work soon.

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